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Low birth weight by neighbourhood
LBW NH 201819

In the three year period (2016/17-2018/19), the rate of low birth weight births was highest in Riddrie & Cranhill (9.4%), more than 50% above the Glasgow rate of 5.9%. Croftfoot had the lowest rate of low birth weight births (2.5%). 


Scottish Morbidity Records for maternities (SMR02) have been used here to calculate the proportion of babies born with low birth weights (<2500g). The data have been aggregated into rolling groups of three fiscal years to produce annual averages. Glasgow specific analyses were undertaken locally; the analysis by local authority has been provided by the Information Statistics Division (ISD).

Further explanation:
A birth weight of less than 2500g (approx 5lbs 8oz) is categorised as “low birth weight”. The figures presented are for singletons only, i.e. they exclude twins, triplets and other multiple births.

Low birth weight can be the end result of many different processes, including prematurity, poor nutrition, and exposure to toxins (such as nicotine) in the womb. Babies with low birth weight are more likely in adult life to have high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and non-insulin dependent diabetes.