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Animating Assets - digital stories

The sharing, collection and analysis of stories was an important part of the work of Animating Assets in the two Glasgow research sites. As a component of appreciative inquiry practice, stories were used to ‘make sense’ of the world, to build connections and to enable new meaning to emerge.

The digital stories produced as part of Animating Assets provide an illustration of this process in action. In the Glasgow research sites, digital stories captured participants’ experiences of what is different about working in an asset-based way and how this developed in their local areas, as well as the wider Animating Assets journey. This approach facilitated self-reflection for those engaged with Animating Assets and has supported an empowering collective dialogue. 

Digital stories are short, personal, multimedia narratives or stories. They could be called 'mini-movies', although they usually involve still photographs rather than video. The digital story has three elements:

  • A narration track – different people talking about their experience.
  • A photo stream – a series of still photos that are displayed alongside the narration.
  • A music track – quiet unobtrusive music in the background. 

Animating Assets in Barmulloch and Balornock

Animating Assets reflections from Milton