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Notes on data

A variety of sources have been used to produce the indicators shown on this website which are explained below. Links are provided to sources of further information.

Only information relating to Glasgow City Council schools are included in the data provided in this website. Private and independent schools are not included.

School Population
The numbers of pupils in Glasgow schools has been taken from the School Census data. The School Census is carried out each September by the Scottish Government. The purpose of this collection is to obtain accurate data on schools and pupils attending those schools; it is used for monitoring and to support evidence-based policy-making. For the additional breakdown of information by Neighbourhood and Glasgow SIMD Decile, the addresses of pupils were used to give the Neighbourhood and Glasgow SIMD Decile level charts. For this reason pupils who attend Glasgow Schools but have an address out with Glasgow have not been included. Pupils who have an address that does not match because it has been incorrectly recorded have also not been included.

The numbers of pupils and their Ethnic Minority background has been taken from the school census data. The grouping of Ethnic Minority includes the following categories: Asian Indian, Asian Pakistani, Asian Bangladeshi, Asian Chinese, Asian Other, Caribbean, Black Caribbean, Caribbean other, African-African, African Other, Other- Arab, Other-Other, Mixed or multiple ethnic groups. This data has been recorded by schools based on the Scottish Government recording procedures and has been taken from the school census data.

The number of pupils who are recorded as from Asylum Seeker or Refugee families has been taken from the school census data and follows the Scottish Government recording procedures.

The number of pupils who are recorded as having English as an Additional Language has been taken from the school census data and follows the Scottish Government recording procedures.

The numbers of pupils who are recorded as being entitled to Free School Meals have been taken from the school census data and follows the Scottish Government recording procedures. At a Local Authority level the details have been taken from the Scottish Government’s published figures which are taken at a different date (February each year) so is not reporting the same information.

Additional Resources:

Pupil Census Supplementary Data

School Education Statistics

Attendance information at a Local Authority Level has been taken from the Scottish Government published data - Attendance and Absence. This refers to a full school year.

Attendance details at a neighbourhood and Glasgow SIMD Decile level have been taken from the Glasgow City Council Education Services Management Information System (SEEMIS). The addresses of pupils were used to match each neighbourhood and Glasgow SIMD Decile to get the total information.  

Attainment at Secondary school at a Local Authority level has been taken from the Scottish Government published SQA attainment data 

The Scotttish Credit and Qualifications Framework provides a diagramatic explanation of the hierarachy of SCQF qualifications.

School Leaver Destinations

The Scottish Government provides detailed reports on School Leaver Destinations going back to 2000/2001.

As the Healthy Living Survey and the school census are carried out at different times of year (February and September respectively) and based on slightly different samples, the figures provided by each for Glasgow City in any given year will differ slightly.