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Glasgow and Scotland

Children in workless households in Glasgow and Scotland

Percentage of children living in workless households - Glasgow and Scotland - 2006-2023

Glasgow has had a higher rate of children living in workless households than is found nationally throughout the time period shown, except in 2020 when the rate in Glasgow dropped to 10.9%. The rate in Scotland has reduced over time, from 15.5% in 2006 to 10.7% in 2023. The rate in Glasgow has also decreased over the same period from 38.5% to 15.5%, but this can fluctuate as shown in the graph – though it has dropped in the last two years.


The data above were sourced from ONS’s statistical bulletin, Workless Households for Regions across the UK, 2023. In this report, workless households are estimated over the period January to December in each year.


The estimates only include those households where at least one person is aged 16 to 64. Children refers to all children under 16.

Workless households are households where no-one aged 16 or over is in employment. These members may be unemployed or inactive. Inactive members may be unavailable to work because of family commitments, retirement or study, or unable to work through sickness/disability.

This page was updated in December 2024. It will be updated next when the next set of annual figures are released.