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Scottish cities

Children referred to the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration in selected Scottish cities

scra scot cities comp 2020

The chart above highlights that in 2019/20, Glasgow's referral rate to the Children's Reporter was above the Scottish average and all other Scottish cities. In 2019/20, 2.6% of children under 16 in Glasgow were referred to SCRA.


Children referred to the Scottish Children’s Reporters Administration (SCRA)
This indicator provides information on children and young people referred to SCRA, who are aged 0-15 years or aged 16 or 17 years and subject to supervision requirements/remitted by a court.

All data for this indicator was obtained from the SCRA Online Statistical Dashboard. Data is presented within this section both in terms of numbers of children referred to SCRA and numbers of referrals of children to SCRA. Rates per 1,000 of the child population (aged 0-15 years) are available directly from the Online Statistical Dashboard.

This particular indicator from SCRA was selected as it shows the relatively high number of Glasgow children about whom concerns exist, either for care or offence reasons.