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UK cities

Working age adults who have a disability in selected Scottish cities, Scotland and the UK, April 2015-March 2016Disability UK cities 2016Glasgow has the highest percentage (24%) of disabled working age adults among the cities shown, and Edinburgh the lowest (15%). Scotland as a whole has a similar level of disabled working age adults to that in the UK as a whole (20%).

Trends in working age adults who have a disability in selected UK cities, Scotland and the UK, April 2013-March 2016Disability trend UK cities 2016Throughout the three-year period, Glasgow has had one of the highest levels of reported working age disability among the selected UK cities. Edinburgh has consistently had a substantially lower level of reported disability than the other cities. 


The Annual Population Survey's disability category includes people with a long-term condition which substantially limits their day-to-day activities (Equality Act Core disabled), and those who have a long-term disability which affects the kind or amount of work they might do (work-limiting disabled).

Changes in the wording of the disability questions in 2013 make comparison with data from earlier years difficult to interpret.