Glasgow City Region
Houses in need of urgent repair in Glasgow City Region local authorities
Glasgow has one of the lower rates of dwellings in need of urgent repair (24%) among the Glasgow City Region local authorities and Lanarkshire. The lowest rate in these local authorities was in West Dunbartonshire, where 19% of dwellings were considered to be in urgent need of repair. Rates in North and South Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, and East Renfrewshire were all higher than the Scottish average.
Urgent disrepair: this relates to cases requiring immediate repair to prevent further damage or health and safety risk to occupants. Urgency of disrepair is only assessed for external and common elements.
This chart uses data from the Scottish House Conditions Survey, for which the latest data at local authority level is from 2017-2019. COVID-19 restrictions impacted on the data collected in 2020 and 2021, and since the survey uses three-year averages to make estimates at a local authority level, the next update is not expected until 2026, and will cover 2022-2024 data. This section will be updated if any other data becomes available in the meantime.