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Cycling infrastucture

Length of cycling infrastructure

The data shown here is taken from the 2018 Bike Life Glasgow report undertaken by Sustrans and Glasgow City Council. On the basis of this work, Glasgow has 293.3 km of dedicated cycle routes for everyday cycling.

The total lengths (in km) of each type of cycle route within the network are given beneath:

Cycle route type

Length (Km)

Bus and cycle lanes


On-road painted cycle lanes


Shared-use footways


Cycle tracks within highway, physically separated from traffic and pedestrians


Traffic-free cycle routes away from the highway


Routes segregated from vehicles (sum of 3 categories above)




All routes


Glasgow City Council has a web-mapping application which provides an interactive map of cycling facilities across Glasgow.


The categories and distances are those that were used in the Bike Life Glasgow report

As Bike Life was about ‘everyday cycling’, it did not take ‘Mountain Bike Trail’ lengths or other associated sport cycling lengths into account.