Glasgow City Region
Active travel to school, Glasgow City RegionThere have been mixed trends in levels of active travel to school in the different local authorities in the Glasgow City Region. In East Renfrewshire, active travel has increased over the period from 2008 to 2022. However, in contrast, levels of active travel have reduced substantially in Inverclyde and West Dunbartonshire.
Levels of cycling and scootering/skating have risen modestly in recent years, although travelling to school using these modes is still relatively uncommon.
Walking to school, Glasgow City Region Levels of walking to school reduced in almost every local authority in the Glasgow City region in the period 2008-2022, with particularly steep reductions in Inverclyde and West Dunbartonshire. East Renfrewshire is an exception where walking to school has increased slightly over the same period.
Cycling to school, Glasgow City RegionWith the exception of Inverclyde, cycling to school has increased in most local authorities in the region since 2008, although cycling remains a relatively uncommon way of travelling to school. For example, in Renfrewshire, which has the largest modal share for cycling, only 4.1% of pupils cycled to school in 2022.
Active travel as defined here is any kind of travel to school involving significant physical activity and includes walking, cycling and scootering/skateboarding.
The Sustrans Hands Up survey has been carried out in most councils in Scotland since 2008. However not all schools in a local authority participate, and not all pupils in every school surveyed take part. This may bring unforeseen biases into the results and may compromise some of the comparisons.
For more information go to the Sustrans website.