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UK cities

Proportion of people in employment by occupational group, aged 16-64, selected UK cities, Scotland and the UK, 2022

Employment UK Cities occupThe distribution of occupational groups is broadly similar across the UK cities. Edinburgh has the highest proportion of people working in professional occupations (44%), while Nottingham has the highest proportions of people working in elementary occupations (14%).

Proportion of people in employment by broad industrial group, selected UK cities, Scotland and UK, 2022
Employment UK Cities ind sectorPublic sector (public administration, education and health) workers are the largest group of employees in all of the selected UK cities, as well as in Scotland and the UK as a whole. Edinburgh has the largest banking, finance and insurance sector of all the cities, accounting for 28% of all people in employment. Glasgow has the highest proportion of any city included of people working within ‘distribution, hotels and restaurants' (22%).


The definition of employment is anyone (aged 16 or over) who does at least one hour’s paid work in the week prior to their interview, or has a job that they are temporarily away from (e.g. on holiday). Also included are people who do unpaid work in a family business and people on government supported employment training schemes, in line with ILO definitions.

The headline employment rate is the proportion of the working-age population who are in employment. The working-age population comprises men aged 16-64 and women aged 16-59 and therefore takes account of the school-leaving age but does not align completely with the state pension age which is in the process of change and rising.

ONS occupation group definitions:

Professional occupations: (requiring) a degree or equivalent qualification, with some occupations requiring postgraduate qualifications and/or a formal period of experience-related training.

Elementary occupations: Occupations classified at this level will usually require a minimum general level of education (i.e. that which is acquired by the end of the period of compulsory education). Some occupations at this level will also have short periods of work-related training in areas such as health and safety, food hygiene, and customer service requirements.

This page was updated in August 2023.