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Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation in Glasgow

Deprivation in Glasgow

The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) is the main source for measuring relative deprivation in Scotland. In the graph below, the latest SIMD revision (SIMD 2020) has been applied to population estimates for 2020. 
PopDep2020Just over 185,000 Glaswegians – 29% of the city’s population – reside in the most deprived 10% of areas in Scotland, and nearly half of Glasgow’s residents – over 281,000 people (44%) – reside in the most deprived 20% of areas. 

In contrast, around 37,000 people (6% of the population) live in the least deprived 10% of areas in Scotland.

Despite these stark figures, the level of relative deprivation in Glasgow compared to the rest of Scotland has reduced over recent years.

Data zones - Small areas of between 500 and 1000 residents used by the Scottish Government for statistical comparison. The SIMD interactive mapping page illustrates patterns of deprivation across Scotland at a data zone level. There are 6976 data zones in Scotland, 746 of which are in Glasgow.

Distribution of deprivation in Glasgow over time 

Glasgow pop SIMD trend 2004 2020Since its inception in 2004, there have been five revisions to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), in 2006, 2009, 2012, 2016 and 2020. Analysis of changes in the overall ranking of data zones between revisions highlight changing patterns in the distribution of relative deprivation in Scotland. 

Despite Glasgow having the highest concentrations of deprivation in Scotland, in successive revisions, Glasgow’s position relative to other areas has improved. The proportion of Glasgow’s population who lives in the most deprived decile nationally had dropped from 46% (in SIMD 2004) to 29% (in SIMD 2020).


SIMD - the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation provides a relative measure of deprivation based on indicators from seven domains – income, employment, health, education, access, housing, crime. The index identifies multiple deprivation for 6505 small areas (data zones) across Scotland. There have been six versions of SIMD to date. The initial index of 2004 (SIMD 2004) has been revised five times in 2006 (SIMD 2006), 2009 (SIMD 2009), 2012 (SIMD 2012), 2016 (SIMD 2016) and 2020 (SIMD 2020). For more information go to the SIMD site.

Deprivation deciles - the term ‘deprivation decile’ is used to represent 10% of a population with a particular level of deprivation. Thus, the most deprived decile equates to the most deprived 10% within a population, while the least deprived decile represents the 10% of a population living in the least deprived circumstances.