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Glasgow City Region

Travel to work, Glasgow City Region local authorities, 2011
Method of travel to work or study local authorityThe chart above illustrates the different ways children and adults get to work or study across the Glasgow City Region (NB: the graph title retains the region's old name, Glasgow and Clyde Valley, which has been superceded). 

Travel by car, either driving or as a passenger, is the predominant commuting method in all the cities. Glasgow has the lowest level of car use and the highest proportion of people cycling (1.6%) or walking (25.1%).


The figures above are based on all people aged four and over who are studying, or aged 16 to 74 in employment the week before the Census. A small proportion of four and five year olds (a total of 11,876 in Scotland) are excluded who were reported as being in full-time education but for whom no information on their place of study or method of travel to study was provided.

People who normally work or study at home are excluded from the figures shown.