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Glasgow trends

Glasgow’s population by ethnic minority group, 2001 and 2011

Ethnic minority groups Glasgow 2001  2011Glasgow’s overall ethnic minority population has more than doubled from 41,850 people in 2001 to just over 91,600 in the 2011 Census.

Percentage increase in ethnic minority group population in Glasgow, 2001 and 2011
Ethnic minority groups Glasgow 2001  2011   increaseThe population size of all ethnic minority groups increased between 2001 and 2011. The number of people who recorded their ethnic group as African increased by 890% (from 1,257 to 12,440).


In September 2017, GCPH published a detailed report on ethnicity and health, The changing ethnic profiles of Glasgow and Scotland. This report explored links between ethnicity and health in a Scottish context and the population health implications of the changing ethnic profiles of Scotland and of Glasgow.