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Pollokshields West

Children and Young People's Profiles

*Please note that this profile is based on data from the 2011 Census.*

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Pollokshields West has a population of 1,903 children and young people (aged 0-24 years).

Pollokshields West - Picture

Neighbourhood Comparisons with Glasgow

The proportion of school age children in Pollokshields West is higher than Glasgow as a whole. 54% of under 25s are from a minority ethnic group. 57% of children live within 400m of green space. The neighbourhood has fewer referrals to the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (-73%) and children in poverty (-69%) and lower levels of obesity in P1 children (-50%) than Glasgow overall. S4 pupil attainment is higher (+55%) than the Glasgow average and fewer 16-19 year olds are not in employment, education or training (-75%). Likely development difficulties in pre-school children are lower than the Glasgow average (-32%) and communication delay in young children is also lower than average (-6%).

 Pollokshields West - Spine

Neighbourhood Trends

Pollokshields West - Pop

The number of 12-17 year olds in Pollokshields West has decreased by 19% since 2011, while the number of 5-11 year olds has increased by 2%. Healthy life expectancy for males is approximately 13 years higher than Glasgow as a whole and 9 years higher for females.

Pollokshields West - Bar chartPupil attainment in Pollokshields West is higher than in Glasgow overall, while child poverty and P1 obesity levels are lower than the Glasgow average. Although fewer children than average live in proximity to green space, primary school children are more likely to walk to school when compared to the Glasgow average. Secondary school attendance is on a par with the Glasgow average while the proportion of children and young people from minority ethnic groups is much higher.


1.  Data sources: Census 2011, GCPH, Glasgow City Council, HMRC - Child Poverty Unit, ISD Scotland, National Records of Scotland (NRS), Transport Scotland, Sustrans, Police Scotland, the Scottish Government and the Urban Big Data Centre, Glasgow University.

2.  Indicators are aggregated using latest available datazone (2001 or 2011); neighbourhood boundaries based on 2001 datazones.

3.  All count figures of less than 5 (denoted as ‘< 5’) have been suppressed to avoid any potential identification.

4.  Populations presented in the population trend chart, also used to calculate healthy life expectancy estimates, use NRS small area population estimates for the years 2011 - 2015.

5.  ‘Healthy life expectancy’ is an estimate of the average number of years people are likely to spend in good health. It is calculated using population estimates, death registrations and self-assessed health from the 2011 Census.

6.  Denotes children referred to the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration for an offence or non-offence related reason.

There is a downloadable document providing detailed notes and definitions on the information presented in this profile.

There is a downloadable Excel workbook containing the data used in all of the profiles. This workbook also includes alternative output formats and further breakdowns of some of the variables.